The other day the unimaginable happened! I ran out of my mascara! :O ;) I thought to myself, no biggie, I can just pick up a tube at Target
to hold me up until I get a new tube of "good" mascara. You know the one that costs more than $20 at the department and beauty stores. I never stick to one brand. As soon as I run out of my mascara I will try a new brand.

As I was walking through the pretty lit up cosmetic aisle at Target, I was immediately overwhelmed with TONS and TONS of mascara options. I was basing my decision on the packaging, brush wand, attention grabbing labels that would guarantee me beautiful lashes.
As a professional makeup artist I follow a lot of the Pro Makeup Artist group pages on FB. All of us MUA's mingle and talk about the latest makeup trends, products, techniques, etc. I remember always hearing great things about Maybelline mascaras. As I'm standing in front of the Maybelline section I think to myself, whew...I narrowed it down...kind of. Have you seen the Maybelline mascara section at the drugstore? We're talking about rows and rows...I may be exaggerating just a tad. I still was slightly overwhelmed and the best way I can tell you how to find your ideal mascara, is to ask yourself. What it is that I'm looking for in a mascara? Do I want definition? More volume? Fullness? Or all of the above for that glamour girl.
I wanted the mascara that did everything for me. Lengthen, define, and give me volume. In making my decision I went based on the name. The Falsies Volume Express. If you've ever worn false lashes, you will know they do everything for your eyes. They will define, lengthen, and give you that va va voom, volume.
In that moment when I picked it in the blackest of black shade, I knew that was going to be the mascara I wanted to try. And oh my goodness it is AMAZING. Like literally. I love mascaras with a bigger bristled brush. They just do more for my lashes. It also comes with a curved brush wand which is so great it really hugs your lashes as you are applying it. I like to wear it with a mascara primer. I use MAC's lash primer. And the results are even more amazing. It is definitely worth to invest in a primer. It adds that extra "umph"
When I went to my Ortho appointment a couple of days ago I asked her to take a picture of my progress. Well this is the picture below. I cropped out the rest of course because when I saw this it wasn't my teeth progress that caught my eye it was those LASHES. Holly Moly. I have long lashes already but these literally reminded me of the false lashes House of Lashes makes in "Noir Fairy" So yes the Mascara does live up to it's hype and it's appropriate name! What do you guys think? Very similar right?
The Falsies Volume Express will forever be one of my favs mascara to use on myself and in my kit for clients. I believe it cost a whopping $6 (that's rounding it off) If you are in the market for a new mascara, I say you need to give this a try especially if you are looking for a mascara that does everything, define, lengthen, and volumize. Beautiful lashes with a guiltless price, now that is a win win situation! If you have tried this mascara, what are your thoughts? Will you be trying this mascara soon? Leave me a comment below. I'd love to hear from you.
I'll need to check it out. This gave some great results. I have a favorite by Milani and one by Mary Kay.