For the people who have followed my blogging journey and guys...I feel like you grew with me and watched me grow which is so amazing. I love watching a good story unfold and an inspiring one at that too.
I've had ups and downs through it all. I think the hardest part of it was moving and having to reinvent myself every time (military life). For a profession as the one I am in everyone knows your bread and butter is an established clientele.
But somehow I've managed to persevere. I'm blessed to officially work for myself and who knows take on some projects down the road. ;) They are just thoughts right now but eventually I will put those into action when the time is right.
I'm here to share with you something that really brought me down for a while. And talk about perfect timing it happened around the same time quarantine did. Yeah, not good timing but I pulled through.
I want to share this for anyone who has been underestimated, underrated, or over looked.
Now, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail because I do want to keep this person anonymous. Calling out people is just not my thing. People make mistakes, people change, people reflect, and even though they can sometimes be straight up cruel it's not worth it to hold a grudge. You can always learn a thing or two from these experiences like, not to be like them. :D
A person I admired and who I even looked up to crushed my spirit when they basically told me that I would do better in makeup and I should stick to that. This person was a spa owner and being that I looked up to them and admired them hurt even more so. Their words had weight.
All these thoughts were racing through my head after that conversation. Didn't this person see my talent, my potential, my passion in what I do? Yes, makeup is my absolute specialty but that does not mean I am not great at anything else.
I was mad at first, then sad, then really sad. I didn't even want to look or be active in my business pages. I was questioning who I was in my career. I was doubting myself, like perhaps this person is right. I should just stick to makeup.
You know thank God for quarantine because it truly was a blessing in disguise. The same time I was in the pits and didn't want to be active, quarantine came along and forced me not to be active. It was a good time for me to really chill, take a break and reflect on who I was and what I wanted.
I prayed and I picked myself back up as hard as it was and my spirit healed. I vented to a good friend about what happened and soon after I was on the mend I got a text with this quote on it.
If a door closes, quit banging on it. Perhaps it closed because you are worth so much more than what is on the other side.
I stared at the quote and tears started streaming down my face. In hindsight I now can see that God had better things planned for me, far greater than my own understanding. And I'm going with it. And you should too!
If you have ever been in a similar situation like I have, I want to encourage you to ignore the people that limit you based on words and opinions. It means nothing. Only you know who you are and only you know your true potential. Don't let any body limit you.
If there is anything I've learned in life is that there is beauty in the breakdown, the hard ships, the storms, etc. These trials and tribulations only build you up, make you stronger and hopefully they stir up something inside of you to fight for what you believe in and to never give up.
The enemy is a Liar. You are a daughter of the King! Chosen, treasured, created for a purpose, set apart, redeemed, pursued and forgiven!
I love this picture I got at Hobby Lobby with this amazing quote. I saw it and I said that's so me I have to have this! :D
I want to hear your experiences if you have one similar to mine. Tell me how you dealt with it.
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